Doesn’t it seem like Twitter is officially “the thing” now?  Maybe that happened when Oprah joined Twitter. I’m not sure, but it certainly seems like it’s here to stay.

The Windows Live team has been tweeting away from for a few months now, and would welcome each and every one of you to follow us there. We tweet out news and information that hopefully will help you get even more out of Windows Live. Sometimes we take informal polls and ask questions to see what’s on your mind. And unlike some corporate Twitterers, there’s some give and take to our twitter stream–we don’t just blast stuff out. We try to follow those who follow us, and to respond to as many direct messages (“DMs” in twitterspeak) and @replies as we can, too.

Thanks to the Twitter web activity, you can also see our latest tweets under “What’s new” on the Windows Live team profile page.

So, who’s tweeting on behalf of @windowslive? You’ll see that our tweets often end with two letters preceded by a caret (“^”) symbol.  If you go to our twitter profile page, you’ll see those correspond to the initials of the real people tweeting on behalf of @windowslive. For example, I’m ^MS (Marcus Schmidt). We use a web application called CoTweet to manage all of that, which you can read more about in another guest blog post I did recently.

What would you like us to tweet about on @windowslive?  Please just leave a comment here, or better yet, send a tweet to @windowslive.

See you in the twittersphere,

Marcus Schmidt
Windows Community Manager

Clubhouse Tags: Windows+Live, Clubhouse, story, Profile

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